6 ways to address sickness absence

The Problem: Sickness Absence

Sickness absence can be a huge problem for a business if it isn’t managed properly.
πŸ’°It costs money
😑It can damage customer experience
😩It puts pressure on other members of the team
🀒It can be a sign of poor well-being or morale in your business

Effectively addressing sickness absence in your organisation can have several benefits, including reducing absence levels, improving employee morale and well-being, boosting productivity, and saving money. Here are some steps you can take to manage sickness absence in the U.K:

Strategies To Address Sickness Absence

Absence Policies

βœ… Develop clear absence policies that outline what’s expected of both employees and the organisation when they need time off work.

βœ… Ensure consistency and fairness in applying these policies.

βœ… Make policies flexible to accommodate individual circumstances.

Manager Training

βœ… Train managers on how to use absence policies consistently.

βœ… Equip them to handle sensitive information, such as details about an employee’s medical condition.

Promote Work-Life Balance

βœ… Encourage employees to speak up if they feel overwhelmed at work.

βœ… Train managers to recognise signs of a poor work-life balance.

βœ… Offer flexible working arrangements where possible.

βœ… Encourage regular breaks and ensure employees take their holidays.

Create A Supportive Culture

βœ… Create an environment where employees feel comfortable raising concerns.

βœ… Build trust that issues will be taken seriously and support will be provided.

Return To Work Meetings

βœ… Conduct return-to-work meetings consistently.

βœ… Use these meetings to identify trends in absence & underlying causes.

βœ… Determine appropriate actions & reasonable adjustments based on the information gathered.

Understand Absence Levels

βœ… Monitor and analyse absence levels and trends in your organisation.

βœ… Identify any specific issues contributing to higher sickness absence.

βœ… Use this data to tailor your approach to reducing absence.

6 Ways To Address Sickness Absence infographic

Several laws, including the Equality Act, the Employment Rights Act, and the Health and Safety at Work Act, are relevant when managing sick leave and return to work in the U.K. Having well-defined policies and procedures, training managers, and creating a supportive culture are essential steps toward effective sickness absence management.

Grappling with whether to offer Company Sick Pay or Statutory Sick Pay? Check out my post weighing up the pros and cons.

If you need any help in managing sickness absence in your business, get in touch and we can have an initial free no-obligation chat.

6 Ways to Address Sickness Absence

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